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Card Prices: Cardfight!! Vanguard Editio



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Card Prices: Cardfight!! Vanguard Edition(圖1)-速報App

Access VanguardPrices.com, the number one Cardfight!! Vanguard card price guide website, using our specially designed app!

== App Features ==

o Accurate and realistic prices based on listings from multiple vendors and eBay listings. Don’t bother to filter through the junk, VanguardPrices.com does that for you!

o Up to date card database with prices for all available variations and prints of cards.

o Pull up prices for any card just by taking a picture of it.

o See which cards are rising or falling in price over the last week.

o View projected price values for any booster packs or tins!

o Quickly and easily jump to vendor and seller websites to purchase cards.

o View price percentage shift history for all cards.

== What is VanguardPrices.com? ==

VanguardPrices.com is a website dedicated to providing Cardfight!! Vanguard players with:

Card Prices: Cardfight!! Vanguard Edition(圖2)-速報App

Accurate and realistic card prices.

The best and cheapest places to buy Cardfight!! Vanguard cards.

Information on what cards are rising or falling in price.

Realistic booster pack values for every Cardfight!! Vanguard set.

== What makes the prices and listings on VanguardPrices unique? ==

Quality. We here at VanguardPrices are dedicated to providing the highest quality price data and item listings possible. To that effect we have developed comprehensive data processing algorithms designed to filter out all but the highest quality results. This means that you won't have to wade through the garbage of grab bags, card lots, and so on, in order to find the best deals on the cards you're looking for!

== How are the card prices calculated? ==

We calculate our card prices by checking multiple card sellers' websites, filtering out the crap, and consolidating the results into easy to understand information.

== What card merchants are supported? ==

We check all of the following websites for card listings and prices. If you would like us to add another merchant to our price checker, feel free to contact us.

- eBay

Card Prices: Cardfight!! Vanguard Edition(圖3)-速報App

- TCGPlayer

- Troll and Toad

- Poke Order

- ToyWiz

- Amazon

- Ideal808

- Alter Reality Games

- CoreTCG

== How often are card prices updated? ==

All card price data is updated every three to twelve hours.

== Why do some eBay listings show a cheaper price than what the actual auction page has on it? ==

Card Prices: Cardfight!! Vanguard Edition(圖4)-速報App

In order to provide the most accurate and realistic card prices possible, we modify the prices of eBay results that contain things like "3x", "x3", "3 copies of", etc. We divide the total listing price by the number of cards being sold, and use that as the price for the listing. We do this so that common and very cheap cards that aren't worth very much won't appear to have an inflated cost.

== Why are the prices shown for some vendors higher than they are on their actual websites? ==

In order to provide the most accurate and realistic card prices possible, we include an estimated shipping cost for results where the exact shipping costs are not known. We do this because we consider shipping costs as part of a card's true price value.

Card Prices: Cardfight!! Vanguard Edition(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad